Recent Posts by Raluca Milea

Teo Milea: „Să fie bucurie”…şi bucurie a fost (…)

July 4, 2017 "Emoţionat şi emoţionant momentul a continuat cu muzică pentru pian, compusă de artist. Pentru a ne convinge că este fericit să cânte din nou la Reşiţa, Teo Milea a cântat alături de Ionuţ Cădariu, flautistul filarmonicii din Arad, o excepţională compoziţie intitulată „Azi, mâine” …dulci nuanţe europene ce au clipocit peste…
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A bright new beginning for Teo Milea

May 14, 2017 Concert notes by George Motoc A New Beginning comes with all the traits that we enjoy in Milea’s universe (patient build-ups, space between sounds, emotional roller-coasters, romanticism, drama & tranquility), with the welcome addition and beauty that flute music conveys. Lim is a talented raconteur, equally during delicate passages (as in I…
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Can Teo Milea and Terry Lim revive classical crossover in Canada?

May 4, 2017 An article by Robert Rowat Milea`s cinematic compositions for flute and piano breathe new life into Canada`s crossover scene. These days, classical crossover is not as big a deal in Canada as it seems to be elsewhere: Croatia's 2Cellos, the U.K.'s Clean Bandit and the U.S.'s Piano Guys are the leading proponents…
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Premiere in Canada this May: A New Beginning | Concert for Piano & Flute

Teo Milea invites you to the premiere of his piano & flute concert A NEW BEGINNING, alongside fellow musician Terry Lim. This concert is a journey through complex and colorful melodies of chic sophistication, which will keep the listener guessing what might happen at every twist and turn throughout its fascinating plot.  Performances: --> WATERLOO…
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