Un articol de Maria Matyicu Epoch Times Romania March 3rd, 2016 "În societatea din zilele noastre, oamenii sunt pasionaţi de lucruri pe care vor să le dobândească, de lucruri care le plac sau de lucruri care le stârnesc interesul. Teo Milea, pianist, compozitor şi profesor, se autodefineşte drept omul pasionat de oameni, întotdeauna bucuros să…
Un articol de Liliana Negoi Din dragoste pentru arta March 1st, 2016 "Ce înseamnă de fapt muzica pentru tine? Muzica mi-a dăruit prieteni, prin muzică am făcut oamenii să zâmbească sau să își șteargă o lacrimă pentru că datorită liniei melodice gândul și sufletul au poposit vreme de o clipă într-o amintire din trecut. Pe…
Album Review by Owen Maxwell The Scene Magazine Feb 29th, 2016 "Some people write narratives with words, some with visuals, but some very talented people can construct pseudo-narratives from the music itself. Teo Milea has the rare ability to do all this with only the use of his piano, and his latest album, Open Minds,…
An article by Dumitru Puiu Popescu www.observatorul.com February 17, 2016 "I am a simple man who has managed to transform his craft into passion. I am the man in love with people and with everything that surrounds him and the character who always sees the full side of the glass." - Teo Milea Read the…
The Akademia Music Awards Los Angeles 'A delicate conversation of star-washed melodies and intensely moving piano, Teo Milea's time-slowed instrumentals are soothing yet energized.' Visit Artist page
Article by Cristian China Birta www.cristianchinabirta.ro January 29, 2016 Ever since I did my first interview with Teo Milea, I felt that sparkle between us. You know, that thing you cannot explain but what you do know is that you find the person in front of you very dear to you and you would very much…
Article by Alex Revenco www.mariustuca.ro January 28, 2016 Accustomed to winning awards since he was living in Romania, well-known pianist from Timisoara, continues to stay in the spotlight even after his moving to Canada, Toronto. Yesterday evening, Teo has received some great news that made him very happy and made us very proud. He won…
Article by Alex Revenco www.mariustuca.ro January 28, 2016 The most recent album release of pianist Teo Milea, 'Open Minds', won 2015 Best Classical Album on SoloPiano.com Radio in the United States. It is a great joy for the artist as last year his first record, 'On white...and black keys' (2012), was runner-up in the same category.…