Teo Milea | On white...and black keys, last concert in Arad!
SOLD-OUT for April 26th!
Another show will take place on April 27th, same time, same place!
After great performances with his first piano solo album, On white...and black keys (2012), performing in Romania and also abroad (Belgium, Austria, Germany, Spain), pianist composer Teo Milea is working on his second record, Open Minds, that is to be released this October.
April 26th, 2015 marks 3 years from his first piano solo composition, Nostalgy. At that time, Teo Milea opened a brand new world for himself, presenting to his public a different kind of a piano recital.
"After many years during which I have learned to read and play the music of my classical mentors, I have searched within myself to raise improvisation to the rank of composition.
Therefore, on April 26th 2012, I timidly began with a pencil to lay down my ideas on the music sheet. Memories, stories, moments of agony and ecstasy from my world began to have a meaning for the first time in front of an audience, my music belonging to two worlds: the world of classic and the new world, the world of the 21st century.
All my work is based on interpersonal relations, states and needs of modern society, passion and desire to conquer new soul territories, not yet explored." (Teo Milea)
Boeme Cafe Arad
Rezervari: 0721 411 486
Bilet: 30 lei
Event details: Teo Milea | 3 ani Pe clape albe...și negre