Classical Theatre | Arad, RO | March 20, 2015
About: Raluca Milea
Recent Posts by Raluca Milea
Teo Milea | My Story | March 28
Teo Milea is working on his second record, Open Minds, that is set to be released this October. Several new songs will be heard on March 28, at the Philharmonic in Arad. Teo Milea`s passion for composition is not only limited to writing piano works. He is exploring the world of other instruments and vocals.…
Teo Milea versus 3 Djs | March 20
Teo Milea will be performing on a Yamaha piano alongside 3 Djs on March 20, at the Classical Theatre in Arad! It is set to be an evening with electronic music at the most prestigious cultural point in Arad: the Theatre. Details about this event here: ABC@Theatre
Music made in Timisoara among the best records in America
January 29, 2015 After last year Teo Milea`compositions have found their place in the playlist of the famous american SkyFM Radio (Radio Tunes) in New York, more specifically on the radio called Solo Piano the musician has a new overseas recognition: his debut album called On white...and black keys won 2nd place in the Album of…
Teo Milea, the artist behind the piano
January 31st, 2015 It is hard for me to imagine o person emotionally not moved by Teo Milea`s musical notes. The first time I heard him perform my entire world changed for a few minutes. Everything around me was better, more colourful, more harmonious, more divine. My only regret today is that I cannot insert…
On white…and black keys +
The Note Pub | Timisoara, RO | March 1-2, 2015
On white…and black keys +
AMBASADA | Timisoara, RO | February 20, 2015
Morning Concert with Teo Milea at Ambasada
February 14, 2015 Music fans from Timisoara are invited to a special marathon, occasioned by the opening of Ambasada, a place that is promised to be the centre of many collar cultural activities. The inauguration of Anton Seiller no 2 will occasion a musical marathon with performances of local artists. The official opening will…
Track Teo Milea
A New Year has begun and it`s going to be a special one! A new year with new ideas, special plans and more than that, the year that will bring Open Minds - my new piano solo album! For you to be constantly informed about the steps of getting this album done, I invite you…
On white…and black keys +
Romanian Cultural Institute | Vienna, Austria | November 27, 2014
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